Friday, May 27, 2011


So it is still way too cold here to actually start planting but with a very short grow season (110 days on average) so I have started my garden indoors hoping to move them out to a raised garden bed. No such luck! Mother Nature seems content in continuing the rain, cold and extreme winds. I know the first day of summer is coming soon but "wow", we are still using our fireplace and heaters at night and maybe enjoy 1 sunny day a week.
I am so ready to get out to the garden! I have big plans this year to plant over 150 sunflowers, a wild garden, herb garden, veggie garden and a new rose garden. I've had friends digging up all my tulip bulbs for weeks now, trying to recycle them and have managed to plant 2 flower beds and some hanging baskets (2 of which Bailey, our white lab "monster" has managed to rip down). I'm still waiting on the grass seed (I ordered "grow anywhere" seed since Wyo really doesn't have anything but dirt) and am looking for mini lemon tree/lime tree combo. I've seen them before and would love to try one out! I use citrus in a lot of my cooking and baking. There is nothing better than fresh herbs from your garden, citrus from your own trees, and fresh berries to cap off your meal!
I grew up with a large garden that my mom would plant each year. It was amazing to me the robust flavors you got from your garden vs frozen/canned products. When I was a young mother and broke as all get out, I grew a garden, steamed the veggies and pureed them for my son Brian's baby food. I would do it again that way in a heart beat! He ate really good produce that I knew was not sprayed or infested and I controlled the salt/sugar in his diet. It's something I do recommend to all mommies who have the space and can take care of the garden. The effort is worth the payoff! When our youngest, (Connor) was little I started gardening again to teach him about the cycle of life, how our meals come from the earth and that eating fresh fruits and veggies was so good for him. He would spend hours out in the garden with me, digging the dirt, watching the worms and lady bugs and helping me water. (It was a "pure" moment in time with him and I've always cherished those memories!)
What are your plans for your gardens this year? Do you have your seeds started indoors hoping Mother Nature is going to cooperate one of these days, like me? I'd love to hear about your plans/tips/ideas! I enjoy watching the TV show Yard Crashers for good practical ideas on how to fix up a yard. So until then... happy gardening to you all!

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