I am so happy and proud to say that I was able to get enough things together from couponing the last 2 months for 42 men/women who needed care packages. I so appreciate my friends who helped in this effort; Marlene Bauman, Kristi Delski Mildon, and especially Power Services in Green River for paying for the postage for these packages. They are on their way today and hopefully I will have pictures to post for you all soon!

Last night I went to the Daryl Worlly concert and was brought to chills by his song: Have You Forgotten. How amazing it was to hear and see him sing this heartfelt song that captures the feelings of so many Americans after 9/11. Since this year is the ten year anniversary I am so happy to have seen this live and know that I am trying to bring happiness and comfort to those serving for us by sending these care packages. It is such a little thing to be able to do this for them; I wish I could do more after reading excerpts from a FB site named: You Know Iraq Sucks If... It is simply humbling to read the situations our military men/women have to endure as their "service" to our country, let alone the great sacrifices they make for our freedoms.
If you can coupon for charity, I strongly urge you to become active and gain the amazing feeling of helping others in need. I am blessed and honored to help several charities as well as doing these care packages. I have many women in my coupon exchange who have felt the "calling' and are actively couponing for causes they believe in. It warms my heart that a little bit of knowledge about couponing could spawn such a movement. I am humbled by these women and their grace at which they do this. When the news reports each night are of death, unspeakable crimes, the debt ceiling and Dow, it is nice to know that some good is coming from the people involved and the spirit in which they continue despite the horrible conditions of our nation.
Bless you all!~
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