Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Hi everyone! Some of you have asked some very good questions about this coupon exchange and how it would really work, and I hope that I can answer each one of them!

This idea was born out of the thought that I am wasting so many coupons I don’t use by throwing them away and I know that someone else might be able to profit from it. I remember cutting coupons with my mom and grandmothers as a child and then when my mom died, it became a way of life for me, even if I had the monies I didn’t want to give up 1cent that I could have for my family! Now with the economy the way it is and 401K’s taking hits as well, it is a guaranteed way to add to your family’s monthly savings! 

The way I envisioned it to work is simple; each one of us cuts coupons from our respective Sunday papers, (if you get more than 1 paper or perhaps have a family member/friend save theirs for you) then you pull out the ones your family will use and simply mail along the others to your buddy on your “list”. Everyone should receive a set of coupons each week if your assigned buddy is cutting their coupons out. (Please contact me if you are not receiving your mailings! I really hope everyone keeps their “coupon buddy” up to date and informed!)

Please be kind and mail them out as soon as possible due to budget constraints in each family and the time sensitivity on some coupons. You don’t have to go online and print off coupons like I do, but if you want to build up your savings it is a quick easy way and plus you want to have good coupons sent to you to so it’s the old adage “do unto others…”!

I hope you all went and got at least one Sunday paper from your areas and cut them all out. In order for this to be a successful exchange, we all have to be cutting coupons each week to exchange with everyone else on the list. Because this is a new “exchange” there are few participants to start with, but is growing each day. So if you know of someone who likes to save monies; get them involved! (Have them contact me so that I can add them to the list and assign their “coupon buddy”.)The idea is that we all receive at least 4 coupon packets a month from the group to build our coupon binders up with and therefore our families’ savings. (I use a binder because it is much easier when shopping in the stores.)

Ideas on maximizing your stockpile/savings:

Ø Always check online with your grocery stores weekly ads and also add the electronic coupons to your savings card before you go. (Smith’s and Albertsons allow you to create a grocery list based off of their weekly ads.) I then go through my coupons to match them up with the store circular for bonus savings!  Sometimes I may not use a particular product I may have coupons for, but I see that my “store” has extra savings on that certain product, I may go ahead and purchase it anyways because it allows me to donate each month to the local food pantries and send care packages overseas.

Ø Check with your “store” to see what their coupon regulations are. (We don’t get double here so I buy in bulk qty when I can with multiple transactions. This allows you to build your stockpile very quickly and very economical!)

Ø The more organized you are with your coupons and store’s information the more monies you can save!

Ø I ask the cashier to not put my savings card on the transaction until the end total so I can see just what I did save on the transaction and then after the savings card, I give them my coupons to put in as well.  Make sure that they are ringing all your coupons through; it is easy to miss a few when you have a bulk amount of coupons.

Ø I always go through my binder before leaving the store to see just what coupons are about to expire and if I can in fact get a good deal on the product before the coupon expires. You can catch some pretty good unadvertised bargains this way!

Ø Keep on the lookout for those unbelievable deals that when combined with a coupon you will actually get paid to take the product out of the store! Buy in quantities when that option is available!

Ø Once you start looking at couponing as each one you cut out: IS monies in your pockets; if a $1.00 coupon is cut out = a $1.00 more in your families budget for the month!  (I always used coupons for the added savings, but I never got really serious about it until I was able to buy $550.00 worth of groceries for just $8.04!  This single transaction prodded me to see just how much I could actually save! Can you say new truck and family vacation this year?! (We are because of my savings!) Also, I am lucky enough to be able to make monies and save us enough monies each month that I don’t have to work a traditional job! I can pursue my culinary dreams due to couponing!)

Ø It does take some work to figure out just how to maximize your “haul” but once you get a system down it is so much easier! Also, with all the ladies within the group cutting coupons each week and hopefully printing them off the internet, it bulks up your coupons for that much more savings!

Ø Each region has different coupon circulars. That’s why getting as many women involved as possible gives us a bigger reach in our savings.

Ø There are coupon clipping services you can use to add to your savings; (I use We Clip U and The Coupon Master. They seem to be the most economical and have the best rates.) It is ok to spend a few cents on a coupon because you actually make back that and sometimes then some!

Ø I have a few sites I like to have on FB because these ladies are SERIOUS savers and actually blog a stores deals which makes it nice for you to not have to do all the legwork! I like Krazy Coupon Lady, Money Saving Mom, and The Coupon Goddess as just a few ideas.)

Ø If I use a product, I have gone onto that company’s website to download their coupons and if none were available, then I contacted the company and asked for some for the coupon exchange! Most companies are eager to comply because it gets them a bigger reach of consumers!

Ø It is easy to get excited about coupons because it is just FREE MONIES that companies are giving away for you to try their products! When you save as much as I do a month in groceries, clothing, entertainment, eating out, even magazines, and gas, you will begin to incorporate the coupon way of life into your lives! In this day and age with the economy, can anyone say that they shouldn’t be using coupons? True fact: only about 3% of consumers use coupons and not regularly! WASTED  FREE MONIES!

My hope in starting this coupon exchange is not only new life- long friendships, but a way for every family on the mailing list to save at least 50% off of their monthly bills! I save more than 50% each month and have had a wonderful time knowing that I can send my college daughter monies at the drop of hat to assist her, have monies in the coffers in case the car or heaven sakes, the house needs repair or an animal requires medical attention. It allows me the peace of mind to know I am doing everything I can to make my families lives better!

Should you want more tips on how to maximize your family’s savings, just simply email, FB or even text me and I would be happy to help you formulate a plan!  Happy savings to you and your family! I hope this will allow you to reach some of those “extra” goals you may have!

Yours in savings,
Julie Ann Morris

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