Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy June!

I hope you all had an amazing weekend full of celebrations for our freedoms, finished you honey-do projects, or just spent time with friends grilling and eating amazing food! We did a combination of these and were thankful to hear from our two oldest kids. It is so nice to be a valid part of their lives and be a witness to watching their journeys unfold. It was so scary to me to watch them be all grown up and leave the nest. I felt like I'd hold my breath until they came home again for a visit. Watching them both go down different paths in life has been both a joy and a privilege and being able to share in their frustrations, joy & triumphs has also been such an honor. I LOVE MY KIDDOS!
So what are you feeling particularly blessed about today? Is the sun finally out where you are and you feel full of hope that you can dash outside and start your gardening? I know I am! Finally after days of rain, sleet, and snow I am going to rush outside and plant my wildflower garden along with my 100+ sunflowers and hopefully get started on the veggie and herb gardens before the next storm comes in! What are you planting this year? Have you tried something new that you are excited about? For me, I am hoping that our rather short grow season (110 days typically) will be enough to replant my lawns and get some amazing fruit trees and veggies so I will can them all this late summer. Always an optimist, I aim for the sky and hope that it will work out this year as it hasn't always before!
As an avid couponer, I am waiting "patiently" for the newest batches of coupons to come out for June, and am going through all my May coupons to check my pantry and make sure I have used what I need before I send off the extras to my coupon buddy and the overseas military families we have adopted through our coupon exchange. I am getting ready to start teaching coupon basics to new couponers and am looking forward to watching even more people become amazing consumers.
The sun is out in full force today and my zoo is hyper because of being cooped up in the house all weekend due to the poopy weather so I am going to sign off here for now and go out and refill the bird feeders and spend some time with the hubby working on our projects! Wishing you all an amazing day full of sunshine and happiness. Take care!

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